Topic: The Growth Of Faculty Professionalism
Make sure you provide enough detail for your instructor to assess the content and direction of your project. Your submission should have first-level and second-level headings presented in APA formatting. Each heading should contain a short paragraph describing its content.
Required Headings
- Background: Provide additional detail about your topic.
- Historical Influences: Provide a thorough, historical review of your topic.
- Shared Beliefs: Describe the shared beliefs of higher education stakeholders related to this topic, including faculty, staff, administration, parents, and students.
- Cultural Factors: Describe how social, economic, and political factors have shaped the development and evolution of your topic.
- Effect on Organizational Structures: Explain the relationship of your topic to organizational structures of an institution in the past and present.
- Impact on Policies and Practices: Explain how your topic affects policies and practices in today's colleges and universities.
- Future Implications: Include your perception of how this issue may evolve, and predict the possible effects on the future state of higher education.
Additional Requirements
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.