Describe the security that is in place at your workplace


a. Describe the security that is in place at your workplace or at the workplace of a friend or relative. Examples of security measures include the steps needed for an employee to log in to the network, how often employees or customers must change passwords, and so forth. Do you think the security is appropriate for the organization? What additional steps do you think the organization could take to ensure their data is protected?

b.  This module covers the concepts of data redundancy and the need for an organization to avoid the duplication of data within the database system. For the final project, propose solutions for AdventureWorks's short-term needs and create a table to collect the data for the Italian company. What should the longer-term approach for collecting the data for the newly acquired Italian company be?

c. Application servers can be .NET-based (Windows-based) or Java-based. What are some reasons why you might suggest that a company use one type of server environment over the other? What factors should be considered in making this decision?

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Computer Engineering: Describe the security that is in place at your workplace
Reference No:- TGS03026550

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