
Describe the security problems that are created by

Part 1

Do you ever use the Internet for personal use at work? Do you check your home email, order items online, chat with friends? If so, you're not alone! Most of us do to some extent. Such use of company time and resources for personal reasons is on the rise. When we do this, we are engaged in "service theft."

Companies are in business to make profits. As business and IT managers, we should be concerned with the loss of time and employee productivity as well as the use of company resources. As a result, most companies monitor employees while at work. Modern technology makes monitoring employees relatively easy. Is this good business sense?

Not only are companies concerned about lost work time and security leaks, companies are also concerned about bandwidth. Calculate how much bandwidth you consume when using the Internet every day. How many e-mails do you send daily and what is the size of each? (Your e-mail program may have e-mail file size information.) How many music and video clips do you download daily and what is the size of each? If you view YouTube often, surf the Web to find out the size of a typical YouTube file. Add up the number of e-mail, audio, and video files you transmit or receive on a typical day. You might be surprised.

This Interactive Session Case, "Monitoring Employees on Networks" is found in Chapter 7 in your textbook.

Read this case carefully and then proceed with this Case Assignment. Insert your answers directly under each item. Name your file Unit 2

Case and include your last name in the file name (Smith 2 Case). Remember to write in complete sentences. If you use an outside resource, and you most likely will, remember to cite this source with APA format.

• Should managers monitor employee e-mail and Internet usage? Why or why not?

• Describe how your company or a company where a friend or family member works monitors employees.

• From a manager's perspective, is this monitoring effective? From an employee's perspective, is this monitoring fair? What recommendations do you have for this company?

• Describe the security problems that are created by employees.

• What are some special concerns about security with remote employees and employees who use wireless equipment?

• Describe an effective e-mail and Web use policy for a company. What would you include? How would you explain this policy to your employees?

Part 2

Copy and paste these questions into a Word document so you can insert your responses directly under each question. Name your file Unit 2 Review and include your last name in the file name. (Smith U2 Review)

You should work on this assignment as you go through the assigned readings and chapters in your textbook. Avoid copying directly from the text. Your responses should be in your own words, with your own thoughts, opinions, interpretations, examples, and conclusions.

If you take information from the text (and you will), you must cite the book as your resource. If you take text directly from our book, you must put this text in quotation marks and cite our book as your resource.

Chapter 5

1. Define the term Information Technology (IT) infrastructure.

2. IT Infrastructure includes hardware, software and services that are shared across the entire firm. Give an example of each.

3. Explain how cloud and mobile computing have affected business processes.

4. Explain what is meant by this interpretation of Moore's Law: The power of microprocessors increases while the price decreases.

5. Communication costs have decreased. How has this decrease affected business processes?

6. Define these terms Unix and Linux. Why are they useful to business?

7. Define the term virtualization and explain the importance of virtualization to how a firm operates. What is the leading virtualization software vendor?

Chapter 7

1. Define VoIP and explain how firms use VoIP to increase productivity.

2. What is search engine optimization (SEO)? Why is SEO important to businesses?

Chapter 8

1. A LAN is a local area network. Why are LANs and Wi-Fi networks vulnerable to hackers?

2. What is pharming?

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Computer Engineering: Describe the security problems that are created by
Reference No:- TGS01630032

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