
Describe the scope of work of the project - included

Southbank Cultural Precinct redevelopment - hamer hall

Project Scope

Describe the scope of work of the project

Hamer Hall was opened 33 years ago in 1980 and was definitely in need of an upgrade. It was Melbourne's main specialist Concert Hall - and is the home of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra.

The interiors were worn and dated, the patron access and circulation was poor, the toilet amenities were insufficient and the acoustics in the Auditorium was not at a sufficient standard for the stature of such a venue. The theatre technology also needed significant updating as did the comfort levels of the patrons.

Hamer Hall is deceptive in size as it comprises eight distinct levels; five below St Kilda Road level and three above. The shape of the building mirrors an avocado. The three tier Auditorium has approximately 2,500 seats and is 30 metres in height from the Stalls level to the concrete ceiling. The Auditorium is surrounded by a five level Front-of-House public area to the east and four levels Back- of-House for the performers and staff to the west. The remainder of the floors are plantrooms and spaces for stage theatrics.

The state Government originally assigned $128.5m to the refurbishment to undertake the following key works:

the Auditorium

- Improved acoustics through treatment of stage surround and crystalline acoustic diffusers on upper walls and removal of balcony arms

- New integrated theatre technical zone and flying system
- New over-stage acoustic reflector
- New, wider seats, maintaining existing distance between rows
- New hybrid displacement air conditioning system. the Foyer

- St Kilda Road foyer reconfigured and enlarged to accommodate an expanded box office and cloaking facility
- All escalators replaced with wider escalators between every public level
- Reconfigured and redistributed toilets (80% more women's toilets overall)
- Existing foyer bars upgraded and increased in size.

B. Included details on the type of contract used for the project

C. Detail with supporting examples and evidence, addressing the Evaluation Criteria in the order stated above, the case in support of the project that warrants the winning of the Award.

 Outcomes achieved against planned targets for key project parameters


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Other Engineering: Describe the scope of work of the project - included
Reference No:- TGS01644317

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