
Describe the role that african americans played in the

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Students should write his/her responses individually. This is not a group assignment. Students can use his/her lecture notes and/or readings from the assigned and/or recommended text (White/Bay/Martin's Freedom on My Mind:). If you use arguments and/or portions of arguments from either of the aforementioned then you must include a citation (for additional instructions, see the Chicago Style Reference Guide in Blackboard under Content). Plagiarism is considered an extremely serious academic offense and carries penalties varying failing an assignment to expulsion from the University of Mississippi.

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The essay response(s) should be at least two (2) full pages, double-spaced, standard f¬inch margins, Times New Roman font, page numbers centered-bottom of each page (in Times New Roman 11-point font), and include your first and last name, the course name (HIS 307/AAS 325), and section number (Section 2) on the first page at the top, left justified, single-spaced (do not include the date, instructor's name, etc.).

If you include information to support your argument, then include footnotes (in Times New Roman 10-point font, single-spaced) in Chicago Style. For your convenience, a Microsoft Word template is available in the link. Be sure to include an introduction and a conclusion to your essay. Also students must provide examples. Be specific! This is an opportunity for you to improve your grade in the course (the second examination is worth 20% of your overall grade in the course) and display a command for the topics/themes discussed in the course. Please present your best work.

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HIS 307/AAS 325: African American History to 1865 Fall 2016 (Section 2)
Second Examination

Write an essay response to the following question. (100%)
Please read the question carefully and thoroughly. Not sure how much is enough? Write until you feel you have exhausted your level of understanding on the particular topic, but manage your time. Make sure you define any and all terms that you use. Response must be in essay format. Do not use bullets or numbers.

Answer one of the following: Clearly indicate your selection.
I. Write an essay examining the origins of conflict, debate about the inclusion of blacks (free and enslaved), and the system of slavery during the Revolutionary Era of American history.

Be sure to address the following in your response:
A. Describe changes in slave populations between 1740 and 1783. and analyze the forces and factors that inspired these changes.
B. Describe the role that African Americans played in the Revolutionary War. Also examine the experiences of African American post-war.
C. Describe the impact that "rights rhetoric- and calls for "liberty" had on slaves.

2. Write an essay exploring the expansion of slavery and the development of free black communities post-Revolutionary Era.
Be sure to address the following in your response:

A. Explain the factors that contributed to the expansion of slavery in post-Revolutionary War America. Note: A detailed discussion will examine the "Missouri question" and the roots of tension in the nation over the expansion of slavery.
B. Characterize the freedoms and restrictions imposed on free blacks and slaves in the North and the South (as well as urban and rural areas). Note: A detailed discussion will characterize slave work life, family life, and religious life in the plantation South.
C. Understand the role that black organizations played in helping newly emancipated slaves transition from slavery to freedom.

3. Write an essay addressing black resistance and abolitionist efforts to undermine the system of slavery in the United States.
Be sure to address the following in your response:

A. Explain the methods that enslaved Africans used to resist and rebel against slavery. Note: A detailed discussion will identify and explore the two major forms of black resistances. Provide specific examples.
B. Explain the evolution of the abolitionist movements (1830s-1850s). Note: A detailed discussion will address the "four waves" of abolitionism and the arguments supporting and opposing "moral suasion" and "political action". Provide specific examples.
C. Identify the ideas and goals of William Lloyd Garrison using William E Cain's William Lloyd Garrison and the Fight Against Slavery.



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