Describe the role of the us and americans in the holocaust


One-point-question: answer in three or so sentences Mention something "everyone" knows about the Holocaust from movies, documentaries or primary school that this course has shown is actually not true.

Eight-point questions

Answer three of these questions for 8 points each. Use three relevant IDs for each answer.

Underline the IDs you use in your answer. Questions are required to be in a mini-essay format, each of them 2-3 pages double-spaced. Cite lectures using the title of the lecture and my last name. Post the finished exam to Canvas.

I. Compare the Holocaust in Hungary, Italy, and Denmark. What do the Holocaust and What does the final Solution have in common in these three cases? Where are they different? Which factors contributed to high numbers of Jews being killed in some of them (which ones)? Use three relevant Terms of Identification and underline, bold them or highlight them in your answer. Use one or two quotes from Bergen or Hochstedt.

II. Describe the role of the United States and Americans in the Holocaust? In which cases may the actions of the American government might have made the situation for the Jewish populations in Europe worse and in which cases did their actions help the Jewish population/contribute to rescues or improvement of the condition for the victims of the Holocaust? Use three relevant Terms of Identification and underline, bold them or highlight them in your answer. Also include a quote or two from Hochstedt to answer the question.

III. Based on lecture, Bergen, and class discussion, what consequences did the Holocaust have on policy, international politics and international organizations after 1945? What were some of the most significant consequences of the Holocaust in international politics? Use three relevant Terms of Identification and underline, bold them or highlight them in your answer.

IV. Based on lecture and Bergen, give an overview of concentration camps and their role in the Holocaust. Give examples of labor camps, transit camps, and extermination camps (one of each). What distinguished the experiences in these camps from one another? Why have concentration camps been thought of as "modern" and in which way might they not have been modern? Use three IDs and underline, bold, or highlight them in your answer.

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History: Describe the role of the us and americans in the holocaust
Reference No:- TGS03357632

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