Assignment task:
Paragraph one : The philosophy-writing element (5 points, label PW): In your first paragraph, prove you meet the learning objective for this module that relates to learning objective #7 for the course, "represent and express philosophical reasoning about advances in biology and medicine by writing clear and concise analytical and argumentative prose." The related module 3 learning objective you must prove you meet is "Represent and express philosophical reasoning about human reproductive cloning by writing clear and concise analytical and argumentative prose."
Paragraph two: The GE-area-D element (5 points, label GED): In your second paragraph, prove you meet the learning objective for this module that relates to a CSUS General Education area D (The Individual and Society) learning objective for the course. Course learning objective #3 is "Demonstrate an understanding of the role of human diversity in human society (for example, race, class, age, gender)," and the related module 3 learning objective you must prove you meet is "Demonstrate an understanding of one role of human diversity in society (for example, sexual orientation) related to human reproductive cloning."