
Describe the role of culture in health illness and healing


This assignment will help you to achieve the following Course Objectives:

- describe the role of culture in health, illness, and healing and medical anthropology's contributions to individual and public health in domestic and international contexts

- describe the local and global political, social, and economic factors that influence individual and public health to shape programs and policies

Your LITERATURE REVIEW is an "authentic assessment." It asks you to complete tasks that anthropologists actually perform. This assignment is worth 15% of your overall grade. See the Course Schedule for Due Dates.

Among the critical skills an anthropologist (or any scientist) must have is the ability to understand, analyze, critically evaluate, and use the work of other scholars.

In this assignment, each student will summarize cross-cultural research findings in anthropology journals on ONE (1) health/illness- related issue of interest to him/her and then describe how the articles contribute to a cross-cultural understanding of the topic, comparing and contrasting the articles' findings as appropriate. For example, if you or someone in your household had a cold; you would look for articles about colds or, more broadly, acute respiratory infections in different groups of people. Perhaps you or someone in your household is a vegetarian for health-related reasons; you would look for articles about vegetarianism, or more broadly, eating and health in cross-cultural perspective, that is, in different groups of people. This doesn't just mean different ethnic groups. People in the same family with the same ethnic heritage may have many different culturally constructed ideas about eating and health.
Use the UMUC library databases (for example, Social Science Citation Index and Anthrosource) to find relevant journal articles on your topic. A list of some major anthropology journals follows (this list can also be found in Additional Information):

Anthropology and Medicine

Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry

Curare (Make sure the article(s) you choose are written from an anthropological perspective. Anthropology should be explicitly mentioned.)

Global Change and Human Health (Make sure the article(s) you choose are written from an anthropological perspective. Anthropology should be explicitly mentioned.)

Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine Journal of Ethnopharmacology

Medical Anthropology Quarterly

Medical Anthropology: Cross-Cultural Studies in Health and Illness

Social Science and Medicine (Make sure the article(s) you choose are written from an anthropological perspective. Anthropology should be explicitly mentioned.)

Human Organization

A minimum of FIVE (5) references from anthropological journals are required. You may include more than five references and you may use references from journals that are not on the list of anthropology journals, but at least five of your references must be written from an anthropological perspective and published in at least one of the journals listed above. References should be cited within the paper and at the end of the paper using proper APA citation practices. For additional information regarding APA citation please refer to the "APA Citation Help" link in the Webliography under "Course Resources."

In your Literature Review you must:

1. Identify the research questions the author(s) investigated in this study (What does the author want to know?)

2. Summarize the previous research the author(s) reviewed

3. Detail the methods the author(s) used to collect data

4. Summarize the results of the study

5. Discuss the implications of the study for the health/illness-related issue the study How can these findings be used to improve health?

6. List any limitations to the study the author(s) acknowledges or that you identify

7. List future studies suggested by this study and your own suggestions.

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5/11/2016 12:55:28 AM

By using a minimum of around 5 references from the anthropological journals are required to complete the task. You might comprise more than five references and you might use references from journals which are not on the list of anthropology journals, however at a minimum five of your references should be written from an anthropological viewpoint. Q1. Recognize the research questions the author(s) investigated in this study (Illustrate what does the author wish for to know?) Q2. Sum up the prior research the author(s) reviewed. Q3. Detail the techniques the author(s) employed to collect the data. Q4. Sum up the outcomes of the study. Q5. Illustrate the implications of the study for the health or illness-related issue the study. Illustrate how can such findings be used to enhance the health? Q6. List any restrictions to the study the author(s) acknowledges or that you recognize. Q7. List out the future studies recommended by this study and your own proposals.