Complete the following prompt. Make sure you give a clear answer in proper form (introduction, body and conclusion) that includes all relevant information (names, dates, etc.) and specific examples to support your answer. If a number of examples are not specified, make sure you back up your answer well with specific information and examples from the Kevin Reilly readings (primary and secondary) from chapters 1-4. It should be between 2 and 4 pages (12 point times new roman, 1" margins, and double-spaced) and have a cover page that includes the course information. The cover page does not count towards the total number of pages and your assignment should end at the bottom of page two to meet the minimum requirements for length. Make sure you identify which prompt you are answering on the cover page before you begin. References for information in the readings should be done using MLA in-text citations. Need Assignment Help?
"In addition to childrearing, women played as important, if not more important, a role as men in hunter-gatherer societies and the change to settled agriculture during the agricultural transformation." Given the evidence presented in the first chapter's readings do you agree with this assessment? Why or why not (use specific examples from the readings)?
First chapter is online for free: Worlds of History by Kevin Reilly