
Describe the response to intervention model


Response to Intervention/MTSS Interview or Document(s) Review Presentation: The RTI/MTSS interview or document(s) review presentation can be one of the following:

1. Interview a school district representative about their RTI/MTSS model and how it works. Develop a set of five (5) or more questions to pose to a principal or teacher in a district that uses response to intervention as a means to identify for a mild/high-incidence disability.

2. Google state government websites to find one that has information about RTI/MTSS. If there is someone listed to contact, you can try contacting that person but this is not required.

3. Find a WSU faculty member (or other university) who is willing to be interviewed about RTI/MTSS. Describe the RTI/MTSS model to them. You can use some of the diagrams presented in class. Ask your interviewee to provide 2+ things he/she likes about RTI/MTSS and 2+ things not liked or would change.

4. You propose yourown ideafor Michael's approval and feedback.

With the resulting data, Special Education 591 students will complete a class presentation about their findings so as to demonstrate their understanding of an RTI/MTSS model(s) in practice. Use some type of visual(s) in your presentation; any text should be in size 28 font. Include three discussions required. at the end to prompt the class members' thoughts about your topic. APA style formatting is required.

Create and Present a Response to Intervention/MTSS Model Plan: Create a model to simulate the process through which students with characteristics of having learning disabilities are identified for special education services. Students are to demonstrate their understanding of the RTI/MTSS paradigm by defining the process and interventions that would address students' needs and result in either classification or non-classification of a learning disability.

Provide a 10 to 15 slide powerpoint file (size 28 font for text) to document your proposed model. Provide a title page/slide, in-text references (e.g., Brown) when appropriate and a bibliography at the end of your assignment. Do a 15- minute class presentation about your response-to-intervention model. Include three discussion questions at the end to prompt the class members' thoughts about your proposed model. Use size 28 font for the text in the powerpoint's slides. APA style formatting is required.

Create and Present a Response to Intervention/MTSS Model Plan: Create a model to simulate the process through which students with characteristics of having learning disabilities are identified for special education services. Students are to demonstrate their understanding of the RTI/MTSS paradigm by defining the process and interventions that would address students' needs and result in either classification or non-classification of a learning disability.

With the resulting data, Special Education 591 students will complete a class presentation about their findings so as to demonstrate their understanding of an RTI/MTSS model(s) in practice. Use some type of visual(s) in your presentation; any text should be in size 28 font. Include three discussions required. at the end to prompt the class members' thoughts about your topic. APA style formatting is required.

Use size 28 font for the text in the powerpoint's slides. APA style formatting is required red.

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Business Law and Ethics: Describe the response to intervention model
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