
Describe the research design of this study in details


I. Read the attached articles. Manuscript: Hinduja, Sameer, and Patchin, Justin W. 2013. "Social Influences on Cyberbullying Behaviors Among Middle and High School Students, Vol. 42: 711-722. It is also available in Lamar Online Journal database.

II. Make adequate appreciation and critique of the research design presented in the paper.

a. Overall what are the strengths and weaknesses of this study if you judge the study by its ability to examine/answer the research questions (topic). You should demonstrate your understanding of this research and its contributions to our field.

The general process of evaluating this part could flow as the following:

Ideas -> theories -> hypotheses -> results -> conclusion (support/deny the hypotheses)

III. Describe the RESEARCH DESIGN of this study in details. You should describe their (potential) reasons/justifications of adopting those designs.

IV. With regards to the sampling, what do you think of the sampling methods and samples used in the study? Do you have better ideas? And what kinds of resources you may need to implement your sampling design? Your ideas need to be something workable instead of being ideal but impossible to execute. If you have exactly ten thousand dollars more in budgets than the journal researcher(s) for the job of sampling and/or samples, what would you do to improve your research design?

V. Do you find the research results trustworthy? Please explain and justify your verdicts. Some of the high level statistical analysis and terms may beyond your current learning scope but the explanation of the results and interpretation of those statistics should not be difficult for you to understand. Therefore, you may pay more attention on those authors' interpretation but be aware if the results were based on correct research design and analytical strategy.

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Reference No:- TGS03277521

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