
Describe the relationship between the needs assessment the

1. Describe the relationship between the needs assessment, the mission statement, the program goal and the program objectives.

2. Describe the value of a mission statement to the program planners and the consumers of the program.

3. Describe how the Healthy People 2020 goals and objectives impact the health profession.

4. Describe how the behavior change professional philosophy would guide program planners

5. Identify the four methods for creating change by changing personal determinates or the causes of behavior or environmental conditions.

6. Describe two ways that one might personalize an intervention to better reflect cultural appropriateness.

7. Describe one suggestion for tailoring activities when developing messages for the target population.

8. Identify three instructional activities that can be used to change behavior.

9. Identify three instructional activities that can be used to communicate a message.(5 points)

10. Identify four important characteristics of a mission statement.

11. You are going to review the professional literature to get ready for implementation planning. Describe in general, what type of information you are looking for, then provide three types of professional literature you will look at during this particular literature search.

12. What are the five tasks of implementation planning?

13. Provide three examples of questions you would need to answer as part of implementation planning for program adoption. For each question identify how you will collect the data to answer the question and from whom or where you will get it.

14. Just because a program is adopted doesn’t mean it will get implemented. Provide 3 examples

15. Provide three reasons why a program may not be implemented with fidelity.

16. Explain the difference between conceptualizing your evaluation and designing your evaluation.

17. What are the 6 broad steps of evaluation outlined by the CDC?

18. Discuss what should be considered when selecting theories/models for use in needs assessment and program planning.

19. Define formative evaluation:

20. Define summative evaluation:

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Operation Management: Describe the relationship between the needs assessment the
Reference No:- TGS02269803

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