
Describe the reason why tf-cbt may be somewhat risky when


Before beginning this assignment, students should be sure to review the BSW Developmental Writing Rubric located on Blackboard. This rubric was developed by the BSW faculty in 2011-2012 and is used in most of the courses in the social work curriculum. The earlier students become familiar with it, the more likely they are to do well with writing assignments.

This is truly a writing exercise. Students will be organizing and summarizing the information from Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Hope for Abused Children by Lindsey Getz (2012) in Social Work Today. The point of having students read this article is to enhance their understanding of a social work practice.

General Instructions

1. The assignment is worth 45 pts. (Five additional points are possible for the Feedback Response assignment).

2. The assignments in SWRK 205 are writing exercises, intended to provide content, but also intended to strengthen skills. Since this assignment is intended to strengthen writing skills, students are required to rely on paraphrasing rather than direct quotes. If a student must quote, then s/he should quote briefly and add appropriate documentation.

3. The only source that can be used for WE #2 is the Getz article.

The Paper

Read the article, Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Hope for Abused Children.


Using paraphrasing, compose a one-paragraph summary (1/2 page maximum) of the introduction to the article. Even though there are quotes from two social workers, do not include any quoted material in the introduction; rely on paraphrasing.

Remember the purpose of the introduction: to lead the reader into the body of your paper and the significant points it contains. Since your ideas will come from the author, Getz, you will only cite Getz in the introduction and throughout your summary.

Facing Trauma

Summarize the key points of this section of the article, relying on paraphrasing. There are three paragraphs, so it's likely there are at least three main points in this section, correct? Again, cite Getz, whether you paraphrase or quote.

Notice that Getz has paraphrased information from several sources: "But research indicates . . . " (p. 23). Getz does not use quotation marks since she is paraphrasing. However, she does include all the authors whose research she has referenced, beginning with Cohen, Deblinger, Mannarino, & Steer (2004) and ending with Runyon, & Steer (2011).

If you choose to include this information in your summary as a direct quote, your first quotation mark will go before the word But and your close quotation mark will follow Steer, 2011. Remember that quotes must then be followed by author's name (Getz), publication date, and page number.

In the third paragraph, notice that Getz is directly quoting Mannarino. This is shown by her use of quotation marks: "TF-CBT has the most research support . . ." Unless you are familiar with the process of showing a quote within a quote by using both double and single quotation marks, please paraphrase the words of Mannarino if you decide to include them. Cite Getz.

Evidence-Based Treatment

Describe the reason why TF-CBT may be somewhat risky when applied to children who are currently experiencing trauma, as opposed to those whose trauma is in the past. Use paraphrasing or quotation and cite appropriately.

What Differentiates TF-CB

Refer to the instructions for the section "Facing Trauma" and use them as a guideline for summarizing this section, for example, three paragraphs = three key points, etc.

Support for Therapists

Summarize the key point for each of the two paragraphs in this section. Be sure to include the concept of vicarious traumatization and demonstrate your understanding of this concept. Cite Getz, whether you quote or use paraphrasing.

Caregiver Involvement - omit

Incorporating the Model - omit

Reference list: one entry in APA format

For your reference list to be accurate, you will want to include information related to Getz only; do not include information on Cohen et al, or Deblinger et al or any other authors.

The point is this: Getz collected information from all these other authors to compose her article. You read the article by Getz, but you did not read any of these other authors' materials directly.

Rely on Purdue OWL for formatting a reference list entry of a magazine. If there is no information on magazines, then see what the OWL has to say about journal articles.

Please take the time to do this well. It requires a little digging, but will be time well spent and part of your grade depends on including correct APA format for a reference list entry.

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Dissertation: Describe the reason why tf-cbt may be somewhat risky when
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