Assignment task: Tindall & Shi Chapter 24 2020
Q1. Describe the "Reactionary Conservatism" of the 1920s
Q2. Describe the Sacco and Vanzetti case
Q3. How did the Klan grow in the 1920s?
Q4. Describe fundamentalism
Q5. What was the significance of the Scopes Monkey Trial?
Q6. How did Prohibition reflect the changes of the 1920s?
Q7. How did Warren Harding appeal to Americans?
Q8. How did the Harding administration deal with the American economy?
Q9. Describe how European postwar issues impacted America
Q10. What was the Kellogg-Briand Pact?
Q11. What was the Teapot Dome Affair?
Q12. What distinguished Coolidge as a politician?
Q13. What distinguished Hoover as a politician?
Q14. Describe the importance of the 1928 election
Q15. Describe events leading up to the Great Depression
Q16. Why did the economy collapse?
Q17. What was the "human toll" of the Depression?
Q18. How did Hoover try to deal with the Depression?
Q19. Describe the Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Q20. Describe the Bonus Expeditionary Force
Q21. How did FDR appeal to Americans?