Describe the racial and/or ethnic cultural identity

Assignment task: Write the final "Cultural Identity Development" paper, which must include the following:

1. Include a brief summary of your "ADDRESSING-GSA Self-Assessment" assignment.

2. Explain the cultural groups you identify with that are considered part of the dominant/more privileged groups, as well as part of the non-dominant/more marginalized groups in the society you live in.

3. Describe how these different parts of your identity impact your worldview.

4. Describe the racial and/or ethnic cultural identity development model(s) you applied to yourself.

  • Explain each stage, and provide examples of your own developmental involvement in at least two of the stages you have experienced.
  • Explain insights you have gained about your own racial and/or ethnic identity by applying the model to yourself.

5. Describe the cultural identity development model you applied to yourself.

  • Explain each stage, and provide examples of your own developmental involvement in at least two of the stages you have experienced.
  • Explain insights you have gained about your own cultural identity by applying the model to yourself.

6. Describe how these aspects to your identity intersect.

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Other Subject: Describe the racial and/or ethnic cultural identity
Reference No:- TGS03342968

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