
Describe the qualities you hope child will possess


Life Span Developmental Psychology

Write two semiautobiographical letters, one to a future or actual child on the occasion of the child's eighteenth birthday and a second to your parents:

In the letter to your child, please address the following:

1. When and why did you decide to have this child?

2. What are the most important characteristics of a parent, and why?

3. Which of your strengths would make you a successful parent?

4. Describe the qualities you hope your child will possess, and why you think these qualities are important.

5. State your dreams for your child and pass on any words of wisdom.

In the letter to your parents, please address the following:

1. Describe your general feelings about your present life and values and try to assess your parents' influence on you.

2. Describe three strengths of your parents.

3. Describe a weakness of your parents or some characteristic that you would like to have changed.

4. Choose one or two areas of development-intellectual, moral, personality, social-in which your parents had the most influence and explain how or why.

5. Thank your parents for something special.

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Science: Describe the qualities you hope child will possess
Reference No:- TGS03182427

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