Guided Response: Respond to at least one classmate with objectives and assessment ideas in the same grade range you chose (Pre-K-2nd, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, and other) and one with objectives and assessment ideas in a completely different grade range.
Are their objectives clear and measurable?
Do they identify specifically, what the STUDENT will be doing and how?
Are they aligned (related) to the given standard?
It is important to remember professionalism in your feedback. You are to give constructive feedback by giving the author a different lens with which to view their original ideas. Therefore, provide them with a specific suggestion for making their objective and/or assessment more complex according to Bloom's Taxonomy.
Laura Powell
Describe the purpose of a learning standard (referred to as a goal in Chapter 1) and the critical components of a learning objective.
How would you differentiate between the two if attempting to explain it to somebody else?
Eample: According to Lea, K. (2013)Standard: Solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures, including computing actual lengths and areas from a scale drawing and reproducing a scale drawing at a different scale. (This is a Common Core mathematics standard for seventh grade.)
Objective: Students will compute lengths and areas of a classroom to create a blueprint of the classroom indicating the scale used. When finished, students will write a "sales pitch" to a person explaining why their blueprint is accurate and should be purchased.
A standard is what is expected and a objective is what goals are trying to be accomplished or met. With standards we teach what is suppose to be taught out of that subject and their are certain things from the subject that students needs to know and learn in order to move on and the objective is how can the teacher get the student there? What are the goals?
what is the relationship between formative assessments during instruction and the standards and objectives of that lesson?
It is hard to teach when the teacher does not know what type of learner they are trying to teach. So the relationship between assessment is to teach the teacher what type of student or learner they have.
Than the standard is implying what the lesson is asking out the students and what the student needs to know from that lesson to master and the objectives are goals and steps to help the student get there. All three are vital ingrredents to help get the student where he or she needs to be to pass or master the lesson.
Take the challenge Karen Lea presents in her blog article Meaningful Connections: Objectives and tandards . Select a grade level standard and design two learning objectives AND a way to assess students FOR learning for each objective. Be sure to use the criteria for writing high-quality objectives as discussed in your assigned reading and videos.
Kindergarten: Correctly name shapes regardless of their orientations or overall size.
1. students will be able to identify shapes through puzzles and mini games where they are able to identify each shape by color and comprehend the image of each shape
2. At the end of the lesson students will be able understand the number of sides each shape has and be able to draw the shape
Students will play shape bingo where they will have to call out the shapes and they will also have work sheets where they will answer the number of sides each shape has.
Lea, K. (2013) Meaningful Connections Objectives and Standards
Jacqueline Rodriguez
Describe the purpose of a learning standard (referred to as a goal in Chapter 1) and the critical components of a learning objective.
How would you differentiate between the two if attempting to explain it to somebody else?
What is the relationship between formative assessments during instruction and the standards and objectives of that lesson?
A learning standard or learning goal as discussed in chapter 1 is more of the teacher teaching students how to learn. (Lefrancois, 2013) .
When I think of the "learning goal" I think more along the lines of how can I deliver my lesson in a way that the students will learn. The learning objective is more of the teacher and student result with the end in mind. The learning objective will show me as a teacher what students are able to do based off of what they learned from the lesson.
When trying to differentiate the two when explaining them to someone I would put the learning standard in terms of thinking of ways students will actually learn the content being taught. How will students use activities to learn and will those activities enhance the learning outcome. The learning objective is what I view as "the end in mind", what results do I want students to have from this lesson?
Take the challenge Karen Lea presents in her blog article Meaningful Connections: Objectives and Standards Select a grade level standard and design two learning objectives AND a way to assess students FOR learning for each objective. Be sure to use the criteria for writing high-quality objectives as discussed in your assigned reading and videos.
Learning objective for 6th grade ELA and Social Studies
NC Social Studies Standard:
7.G.2.1 Construct maps, charts, and graphs to explain data about geographic phenomena (e.g. migration patterns and population and resource distribution patterns).
Learning objective
At the conclusion of the lesson students will be able to identify key geographical components of WWI and how the geography had an impact on WWI.
At the conclusion of this lesson students will be able to explain how geography played a role in WWI and how it impacted the outcome.
Students will use an exit ticket through google classroom where they will need to identify and give reason to two important geographical features of WWI.
NC ELA Standard:
RL.6.1/ RI.6.1 Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Learning objective
1)At the conclusion of the lesson students will be able to indentify how observations and readings contribute to a topic, theme, or issue under study.
2) At the conclusion of the lesson students will be able to explain why authors choose words and phrases (tone) to create an overall feel (mood) for the reader.
Students will use white-boards and dry erase markers to do a whole class Q/A answering questions based off of the EQ of pervious lessons taught on the standard.
Lefrançois, G. R. (2013). Of learning and assessment [Electronic Version].