
Describe the purpose and capabilities of the following

Software testing techniques....

Describe the purpose and capabilities of the following software testing techniques dynamic testing, penetration testing and usability testing, being sure to explain their relative differences, similarities, shortcomings, and the degree to which they complement.

Describe the forces that will shape the future development of these techniques. With these forces in mind, what are the likely future features and functionality for each of the three (3) techniques you chose? Will any one (1) or two (2) techniques become more dominant relative to the others? Why or why not.

Provide a separate bibliography following APA style recommendations. When you use the words of others in any answers, you must use quotation marks and attribute the source right there following APA style recommendations. Also be sure to cite references right there using APA style when you paraphrase the words of others.

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Software Engineering: Describe the purpose and capabilities of the following
Reference No:- TGS0668705

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