
describe the process of suture removalsutures

Describe the process of Suture removal

Sutures should be removed within 1-2 weeks of their placement, depending on the anatomic location. Prompt removal reduces the risk of suture marks, infection, and tissue reaction. The average wound usually achieves approximately 8% of its expected tensile strength 1-2 weeks after surgery. To prevent dehiscence and spread of the scar, sutures should not be removed too soon. Proper suture removal technique is important to maintain good results after sutures are properly selected and executed. Sutures should be gently elevated with forceps, and one side of the suture should be cut. Then, the suture is gently grasped by the knot and gently pulled toward the wound or suture line until the suture material is completely removed. If the suture is pulled away from the suture line, the wound edges may separate


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Biology: describe the process of suture removalsutures
Reference No:- TGS0332128

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