
Describe the process flows required for the new service


• Identify a public service organization.

• Briefly describe the organization, the main elements of its mission (and vision if applicable), and the key services it currently offers to the public. Describe the demographics of the majority of the organization's clients.

- Identify the theory by name as well as explain theoretical bases and main models of service delivery employed in this organization.

• Determine a new service the organization could offer that would be aligned with the organization's mission and would serve its clientele.

- Identify the theory by name as well as explain the theoretical bases that support this new service.

• Comprehensively describe the tasks that would be required for organization to provide the new service.

- Describe the process flows required for the new service.
- Analyze how these process flows may affect worker requirements and expectations.

• Describe the competencies (including knowledge, skills, and abilities) that the organization's staff would need to fulfill the required tasks.

• Make an inventory of the competencies of the organization's current staff to determine if they possess the required competencies, if they can acquire them, or if you would need to recruit new staff that possess these competencies.


• Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
• Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style.
• Length of paper: 5-8 typed, double-spaced pages.
• Font and font size: Arial, 12 point.

New Service and Competency Inventory Scoring Guide:

• Analyzes the relationships between a public sector organization's mission, key services, and clientele.

• Explains the main models of service delivery employed in a public organization, and evaluates how they are used.

• Explains theoretical bases that support a new service aligned with customer service requirements, and analyzes how they support it.

• Describes the competencies required for a public sector worker to provide a given service, analyzing how each contributes to the desired outcomes.

• Analyzes how process flows affect worker requirements and expectations from a variety of perspectives.

• Inventories existing staff competencies, and evaluates different alternatives for meeting the requirements of a new service.

• Writes concisely with excellent clarity and organization; with no errors in spelling, grammar, or syntax; and employing critical or analytical reasoning as needed.


In this unit, you will explore the three main models of service delivery used over the last two hundred years by the government in the United States. You will explore the advantages and disadvantages of these models of service delivery. As the staff model has given way to contract models, the ability to change, add, and delete programs has increased, but the costs of service delivery have gone up. To battle these costs, a new model of supporting faith-based organizations has emerged that reduces costs (Klingner, Nalbandian, & Llorens, 2010). You should evaluate features of these models for use within you own organization.

You will discover that changing the status quo in delivery model can be very challenging and complex for a human resources manager. Understanding both sides of the issues is critical in making the changes to add a new service and staffing it with a new job design, such as you will do in your course project.

Klingner, D. E., Nalbandian, J., & Llorens, J. (2010). Public personnel management: Contexts and strategies (6th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.


To successfully complete this learning unit, you will be expected to:

1. Identify the main models of service delivery in public organizations as shaped by position structuring and classifications.
2. Describe the transitions taking place within public service from the perspective of personnel management practices.
3. Explore, from the perspective of contemporary human resources and public administration theory, the conflicting motivations of privatization in public service.

Unit 3 Study 1- Readings

Use your Public Personnel Management text to complete the following:

• Read Chapter 2, "Doing Public HRM in the United States."

• Read Chapter 3, "Thinking Strategically About HRM."

- The text will explore traditional assumptions in models of staffing for public service organizations and challenges to these models. Pay particular attention to the four key recommendations for strategic thinking about these models, and indicators that the model in use is right for the organization.

• In Chapter 4, "The HR Role in Policy, Budget, Performance Management, and Program Evaluation":

- Read "Case Study #2, Privatization," page 101.

Process Flow

The term "process flow" is used in your assignment in this unit. Use the following as a working definition:

A description or visual representation of the organized sequential stages or steps necessary to complete a procedure resulting in a product or service.

In other words, the process flow is a representation of the HR systems employed to define, fill, and manage a position.

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Business Management: Describe the process flows required for the new service
Reference No:- TGS02486469

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