This assessment should be answered as a report and is designed to be a group assignment. All students are expected to participate equally. Submission of this report is to be made (onto the student portal). Each group is expected to submit one report (2000 words + / - 10%) per group. A peer evaluation form must also be submitted. Each group is to research and choose an establishment that has either
undergone a collapse or significant downturn in its business or
one that you feel is missing out on valuable opportunities for business and could be improved.
For WB students this could be a hotel, resort, pub, bar, restaurant etc. and for APM students, this could be the same type of establishment as for WB students, or it could be an organization that you feel is more appropriate in context to your background. Each group will be required to work with a different establishment. (If you experience difficulty with choosing which establishment to research, please speak to your lecturer).
Your task is to:
a) Investigate the collapse/downturn/stagnation of the business and to help you do this:-
1) Describe the problems that actually appear in the business as a result of collapse/downturn/stagnation
Think about the soft skills topics we have learnt about in class- can you see any problems associated with these? (remember with all the soft skills topics we will be learning about there is a link to employee/customer/stakeholder engagement).
-What about the four frames- Structural, HR, Political and Symbolic Frames. Can you analyse any of the problems from these perspectives?
- What are the main financial drivers of the business- how do these impact what is going on?
2) Analyze the internal and external environment of the business in question, to comment on what factors played a part in the collapse/downturn/stagnation of the business (so what actually caused the problems) Use the information from what you have already re: the problems in the business to come up with possible causes. Some of this information may be readily available to you in the public domain, and if not, you may have to be creative and brainstorm some ideas as to what the causes could be.
b) Make a recommendation of a solution/s for turnaround/recovery/improvement of this business and to help you do this:-
1) What types of changes would you recommend to the way in which the business is being run? These could be to do with the property itself, its design/layout, the products/services on offer, its customers, technical and soft skills, experience, knowledge and attributes of the employees leadership style, organizational culture
2) The report must include an analysis from one of the four reframing perspectives;-Structural, HR, Political or Symbolic Frame.
3) Analyze Financial Drivers You may find it useful to do a SWOT analysis to help you come up with some ideas. If you discover a business that has already successfully turned the situation around, you can comment on the types of changes that have already been made. As part of the solution what would be its value add (suggest what would make the business Your report should include an action plan for recovery outlining the strategies and timeframes required (approximately). This report is a group project- assessment 3, and is linked to assessment 4 (Industry Presentation). Your presentation is about the same organization/business as your report. See assessment brief for presentation separately