Question 1: In at least two paragraphs, please:
• Describe Vygotsky's theory of the "Zone of Proximal Development" and apply his theory to helping pupils attain mastery of their work.
Question 2: In at least two paragraphs, please:
• Describe Bronfenbrenner's theory about the ways in which the pupils' environment impacts their psychological, social and personal views of the world; and apply his theory to your work in improving the classroom environment.
Question 3: In at least two paragraphs, please:
• Describe how a child's first language affects his/her learning of English as a Second Language; and the ways in which a teacher could use the meanings of the first language to help him/her learn the second language.
Question 4: In at least two paragraphs, please:
• Describe the problems teachers encounter in teaching in diverse classroom Populations.
Question 5: In at least two paragraphs, please:
• Describe what is meant by "classical conditioning" and "operant conditioning" and how teachers can use this information in their teaching practices.