
Describe the problemchallenge opportunitycore

Project statement requirements

Your topic selection statement should include the following sections. View the example statement for further ideas.

1. Background
In this section, briefly describe the case organisation or industry.

2. Project topic
Describe the problem/challenge /opportunity/core issue/objective the case organisation or industry has with respect to the topic. You should address an issue of strategic or functional importance to your selected organisation. Start broadly and narrow down to the specific issues the problem is causing. Provide evidence to support the problem/challenge/opportunity.

3. Literature review
List the specific theories from your studies or your research that are connected to this project topic.

4. Purpose of the research
State the purpose of the research.

5. Research method
Identify the approach to your research (i.e. case study), how you will collect data (i.e. using secondary data), and how you will analyse data (qualitatively and/or quantitatively).


Important report instructions

The project report should:
- Provide a clear description of the topic being addressed and its context in the organisation/industry of your choice.
- Demonstrate knowledge of relevant literature in the discipline area of the project, outlining relevant principles and theories.
- Describe and justify the use of a relevant research methodology and secondary data relevant to the topic.
- Analyse the data and evaluate findings relevant to the topic (using literature, logic and data to support the argument). You should include a section on reflections on your findings with implications for your chosen organisation and the industry.
- Summarise conclusions and provide recommendations.

Structure, presentation, and style

You are required to use:
- AIB standard report format
- AIB preferred Microsoft Word settings
- author-date style referencing (which includes in-text citations plus a reference list).
These requirements are detailed in the AIB Style Guide.
The broad structure and key sections of the project report are:
o Title page
o Executive summary
o Table of Contents
4. Introduction
5. Literature review
6. Research methodology
a. Case study method
b. Data collection
7. Presentation of findings
a. Analysing the data
b. Reflection on findings and implications
8. Conclusions and recommendations


Reference lists for the projects should contain approximately 20-25 relevant references from different sources. All references must be from credible sources such as books, industry related journals, magazines, company documents and recent academic articles. Most web-based resources are not sufficiently supported (e.g. peer reviewed) to be useful as a reference, except where they provide industry information.

Project Themes

In the MBA Project, students will select a theme within the options below. Under that theme, students develop an appropriate topic that they can relate to their organisation, or an organisation with which they are familiar. They will conduct a brief literature review, identify relevant secondary data from publicly available databases or industry sources, analyse the data, and present findings in a formal business report.

Students will use knowledge obtained from the prescribed readings to investigate the topic and identify potential solutions or improvements.

Students who wish to graduate with an MBA specialisation are required to complete the project in the area of their specialisation.

Option 1: Strategic management (SMGT)

For this project, students can choose:

- Analysis of the corporate strategy of two direct organisations, or the industry as a whole, or an organisation vis-à-vis the literature (both academic and industry).
- Evaluation of the emergent external issues in an industry and implications regarding current or required internal capabilities of your chosen organisation.

Option 2: Marketing (MMGT, IMC, NPM, BBM)

For this project, students can choose:

- Development of a market entry strategy for an organisation or product of your choice.
- Development of a market exit or product withdrawal strategy for an organisation of your choice.
- An analysis of the marketing mix of two competitors within the same product-market domain.

Option 3: Financial Management/Corporate Governance (FMGT)

For this project, students can choose:

- Financial performance and financial structures
- Factors affecting share price - internal and/or external
- Board of Directors characteristics, corporate strategy and firm finance
- Small and medium size firms, finance and performance

- Family firms and survival patterns.

Option 4: Human Resource Management (HRM)

For this project, students can choose:

- Diversity and cultural change
- HR practices
- Leadership development
- Change management challenges/practices
- Strategic HRM initiatives
- Talent management.

Option 5: Entrepreneurship (ENT)

For this project, students can choose:

- Opportunity analysis
- Internationalisation
- Franchising.

Option 6: Logistics and Supply Chain (LSCM)

For this project, students can choose:

- Sustainable supply chains
- Project planning and management
- Analysis of logistics functions.

In the process of identifying their topic, students should keep in mind data availability sufficient to complete their report. Students would need to obtain relevant information about selected companies and products. Appropriate sources include company websites and corporate strategic reports of publicly listed companies, IBISWorld Industry Reports, academic and practitioner journal articles, news media, and advertising and publicity material from conventional and social media.

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Corporate Finance: Describe the problemchallenge opportunitycore
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