
Describe the problem using terms built from the

Write an Initial Post with a description of two patients. Remember, you do not need a complete assessment of all body systems, just the body system we are studying this week.

Your post needs to be at least 250 words, and requires full references in APA format for any resource you used.

Your first patient this week has a problem of the genitourinary tract that has plagued him since birth. He has had many hospitalizations due to this problem and suffers repeatedly with difficulties of the genitourinary tract.

Describe the problem using terms built from the genitourinary medical word elements in your text. Mention 3 tests or procedures that would help you understand or treat your patient.

The second patient for you this week is a woman with a problem involving the reproductive area.

Describe the problem she has with words built from some of the reproductive medical word elements in your text.

You need to include at least 3 tests or procedures needed to address her issue as well.

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Dissertation: Describe the problem using terms built from the
Reference No:- TGS02326706

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