
Describe the primary message of the advertisement discuss


Write a 1700 words paper about coursebook "Ethics and the conduct of Business, 8th ed" by John R. Boatright & Jeffrey Smith to be used. no other reference.

Ethics and Advertising Project

In this <1750-word project, you are asked to engage the ethical framework for marketing proposed by Boatright & Smith (2017, p. 210-212) by offering ethical analysis of an existing advertisement. Your target advertisement selection and analysis should be original to you.

There are five components to this assignment, each of which should be present in your project:

A. Introduction per writing guidelines (25 words)

B. Explain the ethical framework proposed by Boatright & Smith (400-500 words)

C. Select an advertisement as the target of analysis. (This should be an advertisement accessible to both the student and the instructor-via a functioning internet URL or some other mutually accessible resource. It may be print, audio, or audiovisual.)

D. Apply the ethical framework to the target advertisement (900-1200 words)

1. Explain the following

a. What is the product/service being advertised?
b. What is the target market?
c. When/how is this advertisement delivered?
d. Describe the primary message of the advertisement
e. Describe the method(s) used to deliver the primary message

2. Evaluate and explain whether/how the advertisement engages each of the requirements of the marketing framework (e.g., does the advertisement provide adequate information? If so,_how? If not, what is missing?)

a. Discuss which domains of the framework are engaged most robustly, and how.

b. Discuss in which domains of the framework the advertisement is deficient.

i. Explain how the advertisement is deficient
ii. Provide recommendations for modifying the advertisement to correct these deficiencies

E. Conclusion per writing guidelines (25 words).

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Dissertation: Describe the primary message of the advertisement discuss
Reference No:- TGS02762541

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