
Describe the primary duties you have under the contract

The Assignment:

First, find a written contract that you are a party to (either now or in the recent past). Some good examples are: a cell phone agreement, a lease, an insurance policy, a cable service contract, an employment contract, a gym membership, or a scholarship.(A simple sales receipt is not appropriate for this assignment.)

Second, read the contract in its entirety.

Then, complete the Assignment Sheet by answering the questions about the contract you have selected. Please note:
• Please use complete sentences for your answers.
• Provide sufficient information to fully answer the questions.
• You need not attach a copy of the contract you have selected.
• Be sure to apply course terms and concepts in your answers.

Section 1 : The Nature of the Contract - Briefly describe the type of contract you have selected and the purpose of this agreement.

Section 2: The Parties

- Identify all parties who are/were part of this agreement:

- How did the offer take place? Which party was the offeror and which was the offeree? Explain your answer.

Section 3: The Obligations of the Parties

- Describe the primary duties you have under the contract. That is, what are the main duties you are required to perform in order to meet your obligations under the agreement?

- Now, describe the primary duties of the other party to the contract. What are the main duties they are required to perform in order to meet their obligations?

Section 4: Provisions

Notice Provisions :Identify any terms that require either party to notify the other under certain circumstances. Describe.

Forum Selection :We have learned that most contracts are matters of state law. Does your agreement specify which state's laws will apply to the contract? If so, what state? If not specified, which state's laws apply to your agreement?

Jurisdiction :If you needed to file a lawsuit to enforce the contract, where would you file it and why? Does your agreement specify a court that will have jurisdiction over any lawsuits? If so, describe.

Termination : When does/did the agreement end? Is there any language that gives either party a right to terminate before that date? If so, summarize the terms.

Quality of Submission:

No answer required here.

Appearance of submission is appropriate for a professional business use.

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Business Law and Ethics: Describe the primary duties you have under the contract
Reference No:- TGS01655640

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