
Describe the premise of the show you have decided to watch

Assignment task: Explain your answers for the following questions using sociological concepts from the Real World in connection to the show you watched:

1. Name and briefly describe the premise of the show you have decided to watch.

2. Identify the ways in which your show reinforces a stereotype, prejudices, and/or stigmas about this particular group.

For example: Toy Story 1- Woody and Buzz are very stereotypical aggressive males that are trying to reinforce their place as the alpha male. They constantly fight and argue with each other. Most of the women (Andy's mom and sister or Sid's mom and sister), in the show are not given a name. Woody's love interest, Bo Peep, is a porcelain doll. In her few  scene she is a portrayed as a fragile (hence the porcelain) women who needs a strong man (Woody) by her side. She can't do too much because her white porcelain skin will break. She does not have her own identity aside from Woody. Mr and Mrs. Potato head reinforce the traditional values of marriage between a male and female. -- You can see the difference and transitions in the character in Toy Story 4.

3. What are the impacts when one uses believes these stereotypes?

4. How can we disrupt our bad habits and biases in our own lives?

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Other Subject: Describe the premise of the show you have decided to watch
Reference No:- TGS03275658

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