The White people have known to be privileged for a very long time. Black Americans and minorities being left out is nothing new in America. Although they claim that the country is founded on the principle of "freedom for everyone," this has never actually been the case. The case that is presented discusses the jury and the process by which potential jurors are selected. The jury board is presented with a random list of licensed drivers and state ID holders, and they are chosen at random. Nevertheless, the research demonstrates that there is a significant lack of representation of individuals of color. No matter how things are run and how this country is run, something is always left out. Many white people are in positions of authority in this nation. I think it is unfair when a majority of white people control and share opinions on policies they consider to be beneficial for the populace. Many circumstances they have never encountered, thus their opinions on how others should behave and how particular situations should be handled should not be solely based on their thoughts. People from all races should make up the jury, or it should be a melting pot. Since each race and ethnic group has been under a different set of circumstances, they all have unique experiences when there are different racial and ethnic groups present. As a result, judgments are fair in that manner.
The underrepresentation of people in the jury pool is something that I sincerely don't think can be changed easily. People won't speak up for this cause because so many people of color have been silenced. Many people have had their attempts rejected before, and many of them are terrified of having their attempts rejected once more.
i. Describe the possible lack of constitutionality, of not being able to be judged by a jury of ones peers
ii. Name two possible reasons that you think minority groups apparently do not respond to juror questionnaires? How could greater minority participation provide greater overall balance in the jury pools?