
Describe the plot of the movie in about 1 sentence in once


Watch movie Hitch and write 500 words. and use CH 6.


After watching the movie in class, thoroughly read through Chapter 6 & 7 on Interpersonal Relationships. Plan to organize and develop your paper using the following outline:


BRIEFLY describe the plot of the movie in about 1 sentence. In once sentence sum up the thesis, or purpose, of your paper (i.e. what is your general overall impression of the behaviors in the movie?). Finally preview the Interpersonal Relationships concepts you will cover in the body of your paper.


Choose 3-5 Communication concepts about from Chapters 6 & 7, each concept should be a paragraph of the body of your paper. Demonstrate your understanding of each concept by first describing each concept in your own words, and then by giving 2-4 specific examples of those behaviors found in the movie. Use APA documentation to cite the concepts from the text.


In the last paragraph of the paper you should include a personal reflection, describing an example that you have witnessed in your personal life of the concepts discussed in the paper.


1. Your paper must be typed, between 500-800 words, and use APA formatting, however you do not need to include an abstract. Papers must have correct spelling and grammar including sentence & paragraph structure, and use consistent case and tense throughout.

2. Choose 3-5 specific IPC concepts in your text book in Chapter 6 &7 on Interpersonal Relationships that you will discuss. You should first give a brief explanation of the concept in your own words, and then provide examples from the movie.

NOTE: You will need to be specific when referencing the concept and location in the film (e.g. in the scene where...), BUT be careful NOT to tell too much of the story of the movie. Assume that I have just sat through the film with you. You do not need to tell me the story of the movie.

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