Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid/Base Balance
- Describe the physiological roles of sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, and phosphates.
- State the term for an excess or deficiency of each electrolyte and describe the consequences of these imbalances
- Name the major fluid compartments and explain how water moves from one to another;
- LIst the body's sources of water and routes of water loss;
- Describe some conditions in which the body has a deficiency or excess of water or an improper distribution of water among the fluid compartments.
- Know what acids and bases are and know the normal pH of blood.
- Know the relationship between acids and bases and their hydrogen ion (H+) concentration.
- Know how buffers control pH in the body and be familiar with the three buffer systems.
- Know how the presence of CO2 in blood affects pH and how the body responds to hypercapnia and hypocapnia.
- Identify some causes of respiratory and metabolic acidosis and alkalosis and describe the effects of these pH imbalances
- Explain how the respiratory and urinary systems correct acidosis and alkalosis, and compare the effectiveness and limitations of the two systems.