Reactor Engineering-
Q1. Describe the physical motion of the fluid and the main modes of heat transfer in each section (I through IV) of the following figure.
Q2. Write the radial thermal resistance equation between Tf and Tm for the following annular geometry? In the solution equation, there should not be T1, T2, T3 and T4
di: the diameter of ith element
Tf: coolant temperature
Tm: coolant temperature
Ti: the surface temperature of each annular layer
Q: Transferred heat
ki: conductivity coefficient of element i
ha and hb: convective heat transfer coefficients for inner and outer surfaces
Q3. By using the following control diagram, explain why feedback effects are important? In addition, explain each component in this figure and how these components are connected to each other.
Q4. The figure on left hand side shows the axial power profile of a fuel pin. The figure on right hand side shows the temperatures of fuel surface and coolant. Based on this figures, explain why not maximum surface temperature happens at L/2 and the peak point of "ts" shifts to right?
Q5. The following figures shows the ECCS of a traditional PWR. Please explain how ECCS of PWR works?