Describe the photograph clearly


Begin by copying this file and typing your answers in this document. Submit this completed file using Blackboard before the beginning of class at 11:00 a.m. Please note that only MS Word reliably works on Blackboard. Apple Pages does not upload properly nor, often, do PDF files. Your assignment will be marked online in Blackboard and given a "grade" of either Excellent, Good, Satisfactory, or Incomplete. Comments will appear in the file you submitted in the form of text box comments.

You will find below a series of photographs.

Select one photograph that you find interesting and think you can comment on in detail.

a) Write one paragraph with a clear train of thought.
b) Describe the photograph clearly.
c) Add detailed Examination of at least four features (see below).
d) Place the name of the feature (i.e. the expression) in bold type in its first use.
e) Add Evaluative comments regarding the photograph's power or meaning to you.

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Reference No:- TGS03332178

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