
Describe the percentages-polygons-histogram-descriptive data


You need assistance with transfering the followin information on at least 3 measures to describe data. (percentages, polygons, histogram, other descriptive data. Here are the results of the survey: 5 question and 6 participates

1. As a teacher do you feel pressure form the district superintendant to raise scores on the state test?

2. As a teacher do you feel pressure from your building principal to raise scores on the state test?

3. As a teacher do you feel there is so much pressure for high scores on the state-mandated test that you have little time to teach anything not on the test?

4. Do teachers in your school want to transfer out of the tested grades?

5. Do you feel that the state testing program has lead teachers to teach in ways that contradict their own ideas of good educational practice?

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Other Subject: Describe the percentages-polygons-histogram-descriptive data
Reference No:- TGS01926689

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