
Describe the patients current problem

Assignment task: Make up a patient case study with the hematology condition: thrombocytopenia. Use the SBAR format to present the scenario. 

S- Situation. Describe the patient's current problem.

B- Background. Review the patient's medical, surgical, social, history. Include current medications here.

A- Assessment. Include objective and subjective data - what is gained from looking at the patient? From talking to the patient?  Include a complete blood count.

R- Recommendation.

Once your patient baseline has been established, create two open ended questions regarding the case study.  Examples include: "What are some discharge instructions for Patient X?" "What are other possible assessment findings for Patient A?" "How will you treat this imbalance for Mr. J?"  Think of questions that use the nursing process (assessment, plan, diagnose, intervene, evaluate). Be as creative as you want. Your patient may improve or decline.

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Other Subject: Describe the patients current problem
Reference No:- TGS03322692

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