1) Normal Endocrine Function
• Describe the actions of trophic hormones relative to control of hormone secretion.
• Explain how hormone levels are controlled in the body (e. g. positive and negative feedback loop and neural regulation).
2) Basic Concepts of Endocrine Disorders
• What are the ways in which hormone receptors can be altered to change responsiveness to specific hormones?
• Explain the differences between primary and secondary hormone excess or deficiency
3) Growth Hormone Disorders
• Outline the causes of growth hormone excess and deficiency in children and adults
• Describe the pathophysiology of acromegaly.
• Describe the clinical manifestation/features of growth hormone excess adults and in children
4) Disorders of the Adrenal Gland
• What causes Addison's disease?
• Relate the clinical presentation/features of Addison's disease to the pathophysiology of the disorder relative to low cortisol and low aldosterone.
• Discuss the pathophysiologic consequences and clinical manifestations of excess ACTH secretion.
• Differentiate between the causes of Cushing Syndrome and Cushing's disease.
• What are the clinical manifestations associated with excess cortisol secretion?
• Discuss the pathophysiologic consequences and the clinical manifestations of hyperaldosteronism.
5) Disorders of ADH production
• What is the functional relationship between the hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary and how is this altered in in DI?
• Differentiate between causes of neurogenic and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (DI).
• What are the causes of clinical manifestations of the syndrome of inappropriate ADH (SIADH)? What conditions are commonly associated with SIADH?
• Discuss the pathophysiologic consequences of excess secretion or loss of ADH or aldosterone.
6) Disorders of the Parathyroid Glands
• What are the physiologic/pathophysiologic consequences of parathyroid deficiency or excess?
• Explain why osteoporosis is associated with hyperparathyroidism.