
Describe the overall tone of each type of ad what emotion

Emotions can be powerful motivators. Advertisers know this and appeal to our emotions-especially fear-in advertising messages as a tactic to motivate their target audience into behaving in a certain way.

For this assignment, find and view three types of advertising messages:

•Political advertising.

•Public health advertising.

•Commercial advertising.

Try to view more than one example of each type of advertising. Make notes about the overall message and tone. To make this activity more time efficient, you may consider watching ads on YouTube. Search for the type of ad, and then use the filter to narrow your results. For example, you can narrow the political ads results by filtering for ads from this year.

In addition, look for scholarly research articles that examine how advertising appeals to our emotions, particularly our fears.

After watching the ads and conducting research, complete the following:

•Describe the overall tone of each type of ad. What emotion is the ad trying to arouse?

•Describe the behavior the ad is seeking to encourage.

•Apply one theory or concept to explain why appealing to emotions such as fear can be highly effective.

•Explain the social conditions that foster fearfulness.

•Explain how individual perceptions and experiences perpetuate fearfulness.

Assignment requirements:

•Your completed assignment should be 3-4 pages in length, excluding title page and reference page.

•Use references from at least two scholarly resources.

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Dissertation: Describe the overall tone of each type of ad what emotion
Reference No:- TGS01555248

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The paper is about how ad world tries to play on human emotions and the primary human emotions that are affected by these ads. It refers to the human emotion of fear and the way individual perceptions and experiences instil fear in human beings. Aldo it talks about the social conditions which set in fear amongst human beings. The paper has been prepared in Microsoft office.

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