
Describe the organizational context identify the parties


The final project in this course will give you an opportunity to apply what you have learned about organizational theory to analyze a business and suggest organizational improvements based on your findings.

Activity Instructions

You will identify an organization public, private, or non-profit that you will be able to become intricately involved with. You will apply what you have learned in the course through readings and on-line discussions to define a problem within the organization.

You will gather information from people with direct content to the organization. You may supplement this information with data from the media, the organization's literature, and other secondary sources. Speaking to individuals involved will allow you to know the organization on a deeper level and strengthen the application of what you have learned.

The problem within the organization that you will solve should be recent and one that you need to analyze to be able to evaluate the root cause. You want to be able to understand what is causing the issue or concern in the organization (i.e. high turnover, attendance concerns, union activity, low morale, motivations, low commitment, etc.).

Key assignment goals:

1. One goal of this assignment is to take the initiative to make a positive contribution to an organization.

2. Another major goal is to provide an opportunity for you to learn more about organizational behavior first hand. Using your critical thinking and reflection skills, you will link your experience with this organization to your knowledge of organizational behavior theory.

3. The final goal is to provide feedback to one other student. This will help you strengthen your final submission as well as your peer's final submission.

4. The final paper will describe what you did for the organization, what you learned about organizational behavior, and what steps the company could take to rectify the situation.

Questions that should be contained in the final paper:

A. Describe the organizational context, identify the parties involved, and evaluate all factors that would be important in understanding the problem or situation.

B. What are the issues or problems facing the organization?

C. What course concepts can be applied to understand the reason this problem is occurring?

D. What recommendations can you offer to help improve organizational functioning?

Part 1: Project Proposal (Due This Week)

Include the following in your project proposal.

A. The name of the student you have partnered with to review your final paper. Take this opportunity to meet another student within the online environment. Contact your instructor if you need assistance finding a partner.

B. The name and function of the organization.

C. The name, contact information and level of your contact person.

D. The method you will use to gain access to the organization.

E. A brief description (one paragraph) of the problem facing the organization.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

2-3 pages (approx. 300 words per page), not including title page or references page

1-inch margins

Double spaced

12-point Times New Roman font

Title page with topic and name of student

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Management Theories: Describe the organizational context identify the parties
Reference No:- TGS02851193

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