
Describe the normal function of a muscle and how a stroke

  1. Consider that a friend or family member has come to you and asked how a stroke affects the body's muscles. Describe the normal function of a muscle and how a stroke affects the muscle. In your response, specifically address the following:
  2. Choose the muscle in which you are most interested, and describe its origin, insertion, and main function.
  3. Choose a specific movement of the body such as flexion of the arm. Which muscle is the prime mover? Which muscle is the antagonist, and which is the synergist for that particular movement?
  4. Mention the lobes of the cerebrum and their primary functions.
  5. Mention the meninges and their function and location.
  6. Describe how a stroke affects the function of the muscle about which you just explained. Remember, you are talking to a friend or family member who has NO medical knowledge. You must write in layman's terms.

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Biology: Describe the normal function of a muscle and how a stroke
Reference No:- TGS02507404

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