
Describe the national health insurance system

Assignment:Health Care Reform

Create an essay explaining the challenges associated with a national health insurance system.

Describe one advantage and

One disadvantage of the national health insurance system (separate from the case assignment).

Using information from scholarly articles, analyze and discuss why it is difficult to control health care costs under a national health insurance system?

Assignment Expectations:

You will be expected to provide a scholarly basis for your response. Your opinions should be justified with evidence from the literature. References should be cited properly in the text of your essay, as well as at the end. Several scholarly references should be cited for this assignment.

Limit your responses to a 2 to 3 pages. Times new roman font 12 pt. DS. Please use sub headings.

Please support your discussions with scholarly support (3-5 references). Be sure to properly cite all references in text citations and reference page

Apply critical thinking skills to the assignment component.

Reading the following materials will allow you to identify the issues associated with health care reform. You should have a comfortable understanding of the material before you proceed to further research and the case assignment.


Mezel, P. (2008, Jan/Feb.). A path to universal access. The Hastings Center Report, 38(1), 34-37.

Mirmirani, S. (2010, Jan.). Obama Health Care Reform Proposal From An International Perspective. Journal of Business & Economics Research, 8(1), 15-24.

Volpp, K.G. (2007, Dec.). Designing a model health care system. American Journal of Public Health. 97(12), 2126-2128.

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