
Describe the multicultural issues


Write a critique of the lesson below.

Describe the multicultural issues that are addressed.

Evaluate whether the lesson demonstrates an appropriate response to the multicultural issue.

Multicultural Lesson


Activities will help students:

- Read and respond to themes in a picture book
- Understand the concepts of difference and diversity
- Write about ways they might feel different develop an understanding of community

Essential Questions

- What are some ways we might feel "different?"
- What is a community?
- How does diversity help make our community stronger?


difference | dif-er-uhns, dif-ruhns|(noun) something that is not the same about two or more people or things

diversity | dih-vur-si-tee |(noun) having a lot of variety, being made up of many different kinds of people

community | kuh-myoo-ni-tee |(noun) a group of people who share something, like an interest, goal, or living or working space; a group of people who cooperate and learn to work together


1. What do you think of when you hear the word different? On chart paper, make a word web of ways people or things might feel or seem different from each other. (It might be helpful to start students off with some examples.)

2. Listen while the book, It's Okay to Be Different, by Todd Parr, is read out loud. (Read aloud It's Okay to Be Different. After every few pages, stop and talk about what the book is teaching.) Is the book silly, serious or a little of each? What thoughts or feelings does this book bring up?

3. As a class, talk about ways you sometimes feel different and what can happen because of these feelings. Discuss why it is important to have lots of different kinds of people in a class community. (Introduce the word community if it is unfamiliar to the students.) What would it feel like if everyone in the class was the same? Why do you think difference is so important?

4. On construction paper, create your own page for a class book similar to It's Okay to be Different. (You may want to have a sample page ready or create one together as a whole class.) Follow the same format Todd Parr uses in his book. Challenge yourself to write a page about a way you really do sometimes feel different. If you have trouble getting started, use the web you created at the beginning of class for ideas.

5. Illustrate your page using oil pastels or crayons.

6. Bind the pages together and listen while your teacher reads it aloud. Now you have a book to celebrate the many differences in your classroom community. Keep the book in your classroom library.

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