You have been exploring strategies for overcoming resistance to and facilitating change.
Examine the role of change management strategy in achieving business, organizational, and cultural goals.
Complete the following:
• Refer to Kotter's eight steps to transforming an organization, from the "Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail" article (assigned in the previous unit).
• Using Kotter's eight steps, analyze your organization's current change management strategy.
• Use your analysis results to develop a business case for improving or creating a new change management strategy to meet the global competitive environment. Your business case should do the following:
o Describe the motivation of the change management strategy.
o Describe the alignment of the change management strategy with the achievement of business, organizational, and cultural goals.
o Describe the new change management strategy, or improvements to a current change management strategy.
o Describe the benefits and risks associated with the change management strategy.
• Your paper must also include an analysis, business case, and proposed change management strategy.
• The length of your paper must be within a range of 8 to 10 pages.
• Format your paper according to APA standards, including:
o A title page.
o An abstract.
o Appropriate headings and subheadings.
o Citations.
o A reference list.