Describe the most prominent signs that a database attack


Select one of the following and discuss in no less than three paragraphs, and have at least one response to another student of at least one paragraph:

• Imagine that a systems administrator for a midsized company has recently noticed numerous odd characters in the log servers. Specifically, http "GET" and "POST" log entries within their externally facing IIS version 5 web server. Discuss the use of the "GET" and "POST" commands and decide whether or not there are concerns with their presence on the externally facing web server. Next, provide your analysis of the most damaging attack (i.e. XSS, SQL Injection, CSS, and Race conditions) against Internet Information Services (IIS). Support your rationale.

• Describe the most prominent signs that a database attack has occurred. Suggest the main steps that one would take to recover from such an attack. Next, propose one strategy you would use to prevent such attacks.

• Any current topic or article related to penetration techniques.

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: Describe the most prominent signs that a database attack
Reference No:- TGS02532518

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