Review the four perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard Module in Section 16.3 of Management: A Practical Introduction to practice reading and evaluating the information it presents. Best Practice: Create a table.
• Use the four perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard and your company documents.
• 1st organization: Determine the possible metrics for each quadrant for your organization.
• 2nd organization: Explore the Internet for an organization comparable to yours. (same industry); Determine the possible metrics for each quadrant for the organization.
• 3rd organization: Explore the website for an organization NOT comparable to yours. (different industry - likely different types of metrics). Determine the possible metrics for each quadrant for this organization.
• Compare metrics for both organizations (comparable & non-comparable) versus the metrics for your organization. (total of 3 different organizations)
• Complete a 600 - 700 word summary including the following:
o Identify the metrics for your organization.
o Identify the metrics for the comparable organization.
o Identify the metrics for the non-comparable organization.
o Summarize how the types of metrics differ [think about what it measures and why].
o Identify potential performance gaps in your organization. Recommend actions to reduce the performance gaps.