
Describe the methods for collecting outcome measure data

Nursing Research Utilization Project Proposal (pressure ulcer reduction) : Monitoring and Evaluation Phase

Write a paper in implementing a project proposal to reduce pressure ulcers in an acute hospital.

The proposed project to be implemented is by adding an electronic documentation system that recorded harm events and documented initial pressure ulcer risk assessment among all admitted cases. In the new program, staff charge nurses will conduct pressure ulcer assessments in admission. Instead of documenting in paper form, they will directly record these findings on an initial risk assessment electronic form and simultaneously make an e-referral to the wound consult nurse if a patient has a pressure ulcer that is a stage 2 or higher.

Use the attached article as one of the references:

Pittman, J., Beeson, T., Kitterman, J., Lancaster, S. and Shelly, A. (2015). Medical device-related hospital-acquired pressure ulcers. Development of an evidence-based position statement. Journal Wound Ostomy Continence Nurse, 42(2), 151-154.

DOI: 10.1097/WON.0000000000000113

The assignment should have 4 main sections.

Please use subheadings to identify each section (see APA 6.0 for formatting heading levels). Do not forget to include the appendix - copy and paste it, do not attach as a separate document.

1) Monitoring

• Describe the methods for monitoring solution implementation using the steps of the model you chose.

2) Evaluation

• Describe the methods to be used to evaluate the solution.

3) Outcome Measure

• Describe an outcome measure that evaluates the extent to which the project objective is achieved. A copy of the measure must be included in the appendix. For example: If your problem is falls or CAUTIs, then your objective would be to reduce the rate/numbers and the outcome measure is the form or graph you track the number of falls or number of CAUTIs. If your problem is the lack of knowledge of your nurses regarding lateral violence, then your outcome measure could be a pre and posttest.

• The outcome measure for this propose project is: The expected result of the change implementation in California Health Medical Center (CHMC) is to have a reduction in the incidence of newly acquired pressure ulcers development from the current rate of 15% to 10% in all patients in the hospital within six months.

Describe the ways in which the outcome measure is valid and appropriate for use in this proposed project.

4) Evaluation Data Collection

• Describe the methods for collecting outcome measure data and the rationale for using those methods.
• Identify resources needed for evaluation.
• Discuss the feasibility of the evaluation plan.

Format your paper consistent with APA 6.0 guidelines.

Include a minimum of 4 scholarly references

Minimum word count of 800.

Article: Medical Device-Related Hospital-Acquired Pressure Ulcers: Development of an Evidence-Based Position Statement by Joyce Pittman, Terrie Beeson, Jessica Kitterman, Shelley Lancaster and Anita Shelly.

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Dissertation: Describe the methods for collecting outcome measure data
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