
Describe the mechanical digestion


Write your answers a separate paragraph for each question block (A, B, etc).

As a treat, imagine you have ordered your favorite, local Asian food for delivery:

A. Which restaurant is it and what dish? (no paragraph necessary here, just list it;

B. List the sections of the gastrointestinal tract (no paragraph necessary here, just list them in order;

C. Describe the mechanical (and only mechanical) digestion that occurs in each section of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, once that amazing meal has arrived. Be specific and use the biological terminology. Write your answer as a paragraph.

D. Describe all of the chemical reactions that occur in the division of the GI tract according to the first letter of your last name; include the macromolecule, the enzyme, and the product of each reaction. Write your answer as a paragraph.

If you are Dr. H: oral cavity

If your last name starts with the letter A-F: stomach

G-P: lumen of the small intestine

Q-Z: brush border of the small intestine

Check your word count - you should be in the ballpark of 400 words or more. If you are significantly under that number, you need to add more details.

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Biology: Describe the mechanical digestion
Reference No:- TGS03206032

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