Organizational management - historical foundation of management
Organizational Management - Assignment
Learning Outcomes Covered
Synthesise learning - key concepts and theories in Historical Foundation of Management
Assignment Brief
Students are required to do an analysis of Historical Foundation of Management and prepare an academic report including the following.
1. Describe the Major Schools of Management Thought
2. Critically analyze the Classical approaches to management
3. Discuss the ideas introduced by the human resource approaches
4. Describe the role of quantitative analysis in management
5. Critically discuss the continuing management themes of the 21st century by illustrating:-
a) Global awareness
b) Quality and performance excellence
-Paper Size : A4
- Word Count : 1500 - 2000 words
- Printing Margins : LHS; RHS: 1 Inch
- Binding Margin : ½ Inch
- Header and Footer : 1 Inch
- Printing : Single Sided
- Basic Font Size 12
- Font Style : Times New Roman
- Presentation : Bound Document