Describe the main types of coral reefs

Response to the following discussion questions :

1) Discuss the adaptations of intertidal organisms for coping with each of the following environmental stressors:

a) Wave shock

b) Temperature variation

c) Oxygen stress

d) Dessication

2) Describe four categories of estuaries based on geomorphology and give an example of each

3) Describe four categories of estuaries based on patterns of water circulation and give an example of each

4) Discuss coral reefs

a) Describe the environmental conditions required for coral reef formation

b) Describe the three main types of coral reefs.

c) Discuss the factors that contribute to high primary productivity in coral reefs

d) Discuss the factors that contribute to high species diversity in coral reefs

5) Define the following terms: euryhaline, stenohaline, osmoconformers, osmoregulators

Each post should be at least 100 words in length.

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Biology: Describe the main types of coral reefs
Reference No:- TGS02013748

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