
Describe the main source of google revenue


This case history consists of interviews with four of Google's marketing executives who discuss the online search industry overall, and specifically their company, and Google's two key products - AdWords and AdSense- and how these tools are used by marketers in their online marketing communications programs.

After viewing the video case (located in Module 1) as many times as you wish, there are discussion topics for you to think about. Read and answer the following topics questions.

Discussion Topic: 1

Describe any one factor that has contributed to Google's success as seen in the video case. How has Google created emotional bonds with users?

Discussion Topic: 2

Describe the main source of Google's revenue. What is the value proposition that Google offers?

Discussion Topic: 3

According to the video case, how is Google impacting the advertising industry?

The case video link is below


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Business Economics: Describe the main source of google revenue
Reference No:- TGS03010565

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