
Describe the main arguments of two sociological theories


Do either A or B.

A. Describe the main arguments of two sociological theories (e.g., functionalism, conflict theory or symbolic interactionism) that provide explanations for deviant behavior and illustrate each with an example that is NOT from your text.

B. Explain Robert Merton's strain theory and re-create his typology of the types of deviance that can arise from strain, including the reaction to goals and means. Illustrate each with an example.

Do either A or B.

A. Racial residential segregation, remains a key problem in the United States. What sociological factors explain its persistence in an era when housing discrimination is illegal?

B. Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore are well known for their functionalist analysis of social stratification. However, there are many who challenge their ideas. Provide a summary of Davis and Moore's theory as well as a critique of its weaknesses.

Do either A or B.

A. How do theorists such as Rostow and Wallerstein explain inequalities of income and development between countries? What are the relative strengths and weaknesses of each theory? Which do you see as more persuasive and why?

B. Why is it important to consider race and ethnicity when discussing gender inequality? Consider high school and college graduation rates, the gender wage gap, and the discussion of gender globally.


1. Do either A or B.

A. Identify and define the five major types of social movements and provide an example of each.

B. How is the expansion of social media likely to change how people pursue social change? How has it done so already?

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Other Subject: Describe the main arguments of two sociological theories
Reference No:- TGS01906175

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