Describe the legal and ethical issues surrounding the case


Case: Capitalization versus Expensing

Ethical obligations of a controller when pressured by the CFO to capitalize costs that should be expensed.

Gloria Hernandez is the controller of a public company. She just completed a meeting with her superior, John Harrison, who is the CFO of the company. Harrison tried to convince Hernandez to go along with his proposal to combine 12 expenditures for repair and maintenance of a plant asset into one amount ($1 million). Each of the expenditures is less than $100,000, the cutoff point for capitalizing expenditures as an asset and depreciating it over the useful life. Hernandez asked for time to think about the matter. As the controller and chief accounting officer of the company, Hernandez knows it's her responsibility to decide how to record the expenditures. She knows that the $1 million amount is material to earnings and the rules in accounting require expensing of each individual item, not capitalization. However, she is under a great deal of pressure to go along with capitalization to boost earnings and meet financial analysts' earnings expectations, and provide for a bonus to top management including herself. Her job may be at stake, and she doesn't want to disappoint her boss.


Assume both Hernandez and Harrison hold the CPA and CMA designations.

1) What are the loyalty obligations of both parties in this case?

2) Assume that you were in Gloria Hernandez's position. What would motivate you to speak up and act or to stay silent? Would it make a difference if Harrison promised this was a one-time request?

3) What would you do and why?

Read the case and write 5 to 7 pages executive summary on the case, including answers to the following questions:

1) Describe the legal and ethical issues surrounding the case.

2) What are the loyalty obligations of both parties in this case?

3) Assume that you were in Gloria Hernandez's position. What would motivate you to speak up and act, or keep silent? Would it make a difference if Harrison promised this was a one-time request?

4) What would you do and why?

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

(1) The answer should be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

(2) The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

(3) Also include a reference page. The Citations and references should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Business Management: Describe the legal and ethical issues surrounding the case
Reference No:- TGS03175058

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